Creating tapestries of beauty with musical notes

As the Deer

ID: SM-000221814
CompositorMartin Nystrom
Arrajador James Colman
EditoraKeySynth Studios
Ano de composição 1990
Gênero Religioso / Cristão
chave Ré (D) maior
Instrumentação Piano
Composição paraSolo
Tipo de composiçãoPartitura piano
dificuldade Advanced
descripção This beautiful song is a lovely interpretation of the longing expressed by the Psalmist, David, when he states that his longing for God is like a deer panting for water. This arrangement captures the beauty of the melodic line with a simple statement in the first verse. The second verse uses a beautiful flowing water motif to capture the idea of the Psalm. The final statement is a triumphant refrain that God alone is our strength and shield. This piano arrangement is somewhat technical but within reach of most advanced intermediate players. Keys: D-major, Eb-major, C-major
data de postagem 01.03.2015


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